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The World of Bioengineering

Biomaterials and Biochemistry

Use your knowledge of chemistry to construct knew materials to be used as human implants. In this field you will discover what is and what isn't compatible with the human body. You will create new materials and discover the compatiblity of metals already discovered. Your inventions and discoveries will be molded into implants by designers, and used by the world's surgeons.



In this field you will create inventions and methods used in the medical field. For instance, you will create the tools a physical therapist would use to rehabilitate an injured patient, thus making you a Rehabilitation Engineer. You will use chemisty to understand the body's cycle of growth and repair so that the body's full abilities are recovered.

If tissues facinate you, a Tissue engineer might be the perfect career path. In a lab you will create artificial organs and cells that are congruent and mimick the real tissues within the body. You will use chemistry to discover a cell's complete make-up to form tissues, and later form an entire organ.

If you are capable of cooperating with a team of other workers, a desginer of artrifical implants is the perfect postition for you. In the field you will work with Biomaterials engineers to create artifical implants. You will use their human body compatible substances to construct an implant. You will be in charge of the design, abilities, and methods of installing the implant.


Biomechanics will explore the force placed on the human body. For example, you will have the knowledge of the force placed on a damged knee. With the laws of physics and the incorporation of chemistry you can minimize the painful force placed on the damaged knee, or discover how the knee was damaged. You will also assist in the design of implants.



This field focuses on the nervouses system, and the bioelectricty that regulates it. Professionals in this field were responsible for items such as the pacemaker and the electrocardiograph. The pacemaker restores the rythym of the heart muscle, and the electrocardiograph is record's the heart's frequency. By knowledge of chemistry and physics one can understand electricty and understand its movement in the body, and it helpful and harmful effect upon it.